?> Contact | Techno-Lead Japan Co., Ltd.
Business Technical Product Company Contact


Inquiry by Phone

+81-4-7168-0941 Techno-Lead Japan Co., Ltd. Reception Hours:9:00〜17:00

Inquiries via Email

The personal information provided by customers will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy.
Please be sure to input and check the required items.

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Company name
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Privacy policy

Our company, Techno-Lead Japan Co., Ltd.(collectively, " TLJ") Privacy Policy

  1. Compliance with laws and regulations
    When handling personal information, TLJ complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations.
  2. Acquisition and use of personal information
    We will clearly state the purpose of use in advance, acquire personal information by appropriate means, and use it within the scope necessary to achieve that purpose.
  3. Prohibition of provision to third parties
    TLJ will not provide personal information to third parties unless we have obtained the consent of the person in advance or as permitted by law.
  4. Management of subcontractors
    When outsourcing the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use, the Company will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the outsourced party to ensure its safe management.
  5. Measures for safety management
    TLJ manages personal information in an accurate and up-to-date manner, and takes appropriate and reasonable security control measures to prevent unauthorized access, , loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc.
  6. Responding to requests for disclosure, correction, etc.
    When a person requests disclosure or correction of personal information, our company respects the person's rights as for personal information and responds faithfully.
  7. Continuous review and improvement
    In line with changes in the social environment regarding the handling of personal information, our company will review internal regulations as necessary and strive to continuously improve and improve our efforts to protect personal information.

Processing for Personal Information

Purpose of use for personal information

TLJ uses acquired personal information for the following purposes within the scope of our electronic and electrical equipment, electronic components, and optical equipment businesses.

  1. Personal information regarding business partners, executives and employees of other companies, etc.
    (1) Communication, business negotiations, meetings, ordering, payment, and other processing related to transactions
    (2) Delivery and receipt of products, goods, services, etc. related to transactions
  2. Personal information regarding government employees, civil servants, etc.
    Necessary business communications, inquiries, reports, etc. to government offices
  3. Personal information about customers
    Responding to inquiries from customers via website, e-mail, telephone, fax, mail, etc.
  4. Personal information about shareholders
    (1) Exercise of rights and performance of obligations under the Commercial Code
    (2) Provision of various facilities and implementation of various measures
    (3) Shareholder management such as shareholder data creation based on laws and regulations
  5. Personal information about job applicants
    (1) Provision of information related to recruitment, communication, consideration and decision on whether to hire or not
    (2) Provision of materials and communication for joining the company after receiving a job offer

Use of personal information

Personal information held by TLJ (address, name, name of workplace, department name, position, telephone number, fax number, email address, etc.) will only be used within TLJ to the extent necessary to achieve the above purpose of use. shall be used.

Provision of personal information to third parties

Personal information held by TLJ (address, name, name of workplace, department name, title, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, etc.) will be used within the scope necessary to achieve the above purpose of use for products, products, or products. In connection with the exchange of services, etc., information may be provided to manufacturers/suppliers, transportation companies, maintenance contractors, etc. via e-mail, etc. In this case, the provision of personal information to the third party can be stopped at the request of the person concerned.

Procedures for requesting disclosure, etc.

Regarding the personal data we hold, we will, at the request of the individual, ① disclose, ②correct, add or delete, ③suspend or erase the use of, and ④ suspend provision to third parties, as long as it does not interfere with the proper execution of business. We respond to each request. When making a request, we will verify your identity using a method prescribed by TLJ.
Please contact us regarding procedures of requests for disclosure, etc.

Contact information

Techno-Lead Japan Co., Ltd.
4-54-1, Sakuragaoka Toride Ibaraki Japan
TEL: +81-297-79-4710
FAX: +81-297-79-4711

Access Map

〒277-0842 303 Taguchi bldg. 8-18, Suehiro-machi Kashiwa Chiba Japan